Doug Smith

Thesis submitted

Doug Smith2
progress :In Progress

Host Organisation

British Geological Survey

Primary Supervisor

Mr Edward Hough (BGS)


Prof Andreas Busch (Heriot Watt University)

Thesis Title

Modelling the multi-scale spatial variations in the geomechanical properties within the discontinuities of the Sherwood Sandstone Group and their influence on its capacity to provide large-scale H2 storage for sustainable decarbonisation of the UK economy


D. Smith, A. Busch, D. Arnold and E. Hough 04 2023 ‘Numerical modelling of the effects of permeability contrasts on underground hydrogen storage in sandstone reservoirs’, Geoenergy , doi:

A. A. Monaghan1, L. Bateson, A. J. Boyce, N. M. Burnside, R. Chambers, J. R. de Rezende, E. Dunnet1, P. A. Everett, S. M. V. Gilfillan, M. S. Jibrin, G. Johnson, R. Luckett, D. J. MacAllister, A. M. MacDonald, J. W. Moreau, L. Newsome, A. Novellino, B. Palumbo-Roe, R. Pereira, D. Smith, M. J. Spence, V. Starcher, H. Taylor-Curran, C. H. Vane, T. Wagner and D. B. Walls 8 2022 ‘Time Zero for Net Zero: A Coal Mine Baseline for Decarbonising Heat’, Earth Science Systems and Society 2 , doi:

D. Smith, H. Taylor-Curran, A. Barkwith, T. R. Lister, K. Kirk, S. Hannis, K. Shorter, K. Walker-Verkuil 11 2020 ‘Applying ground gas and gas flux monitoring techniques to low-enthalpy, shallow geothermal energy exploration’, Geothermics 97 (4), doi:

A. Barkwith, B. Lister, H. Taylor-Curran, S. Hannis, K. Shorter, K. Walker-Verkuil, K. Kirk, D. Smith, A. Monaghan 10 2019 ‘Data release notes : UK Geoenergy Observatories Glasgow Geothermal Energy Research Field Site (GGERFS) ground gas, 2018 and 2019 surveys’, British Geological Survey , 16, doi:

D.J. Beriro, S. Cornillon, A. Merchant, D. Smith, H. Smith, P. Nathanail, S. Bricker 3 2019 ‘Methodology for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Brownfield Ground Risk Calculator’, Land Condition Symposium , doi: