
All studentship projects for 2019 start are uploaded to this page in order of updating.


IAPETUS has a strong range of partners, including links with industry, policy-makers and other non-academic partners across the Earth and environmental sciences. Partners are listed below. Details of each partner organisation will follow.

Bat Conservation Trust


British Trust for Ornithology

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

DONG Energy


Forest Research

Forestry Commission

Fugro Intersite BV

Geospatial Research Limited

Historic England

Historic Scotland

Iceland Meteorological Office

Indufor Asia Pacific

National Oceanography Centre

National Trust for Scotland

Ordnance Survey

Planet Earth Institute

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Scottish and Southern Electric

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)

Scottish Water

Seagreens Ltd

Sony CSL Paris

Southwest Water

Statoil UK

ThermoFisher Scientific

