Student Feedback
Here’s what our students said when asked about ‘the best thing about Iapetus2’.

“Exposure to a multidisciplinary research and a diverse cohort.“
“Training opportunities, good networking opportunities, great placement opportunities.“
“Incredible. The training opportunities alone are utterly unmatched, but most of all the social events that allow us to mingle with other universities are so fun and valuable.”
“Being part of a wider research community and the emphasis on training and progression. There has been a range of opportunities offered for training, outreach and career progression which I have found very useful and important for my PhD and also preparing for a career post-PhD, e.g. training events in delivering outreach to different audiences, residential coding intensive weeks, presenting, industry and research careers sessions, and the funded internships.”
“The variety of courses offered to me, and the placement scheme!”
“Taking part in events where we can meet colleagues and people from the same cohort.”
“Spending time with the other members of the cohort. The projects are so different but meeting up with everyone is something I always look forward to.”
“I have many opportunities to interact with excellent scientists and other PhD students from different disciplines. The IAPETUS2 also provides us regular training, which gives me the opportunity to think about interdisciplinary issues and broaden my horizons. I am very happy to be part of IAPETUS2’s students.”
“IAPETUS is genuinely inclusive, providing marginalised communities worldwide with the opportunity to join highly professional scientific research groups in the UK.
Its commitment to diversity and inclusiveness is evident in its cohorts. I take pride in being a part of IAPETUS.”
“The additional training we receive is fantastic. It has helped me to be a more confident presenter, talk about my work to a wide audience, and be more confident in networking situations. There is also a wide array of more subject-specific training provided by IAPETUS, based on student requests and feedback. Thank you!”
“Besides a supportive and collegiate year group, IAPETUS provides funding for a three month placement in any business or faculty associated with your research. This opportunity provided me with some of the best research experiences and networking opportunities I could have hoped for and would not have been possible otherwise.”
“One of the best parts of belonging to the Iapetus DTP is the cohort activities. Perhaps it is the way that students are selected, but everyone is curious, wants to learn from others and is happy to share experiences and knowledge.”
“The training offered by Iapetus is very impressive. Iapetus recognises that students have different needs and at training events run parallel sessions on different topics to maximise value for the students.”
“IAPETUS2 provide structured support to my PhD outside of my other institutions. Their programme delivers fundamental training and support to the process of becoming a scientific researcher; from statistical analysis, use of programming languages and scientific writing to personal development skills about collaboration and dealing with the pressures of successfully completing a PhD. In my experience, IAPETUS2 provide candidates with the tools to complete their PhD, using student feedback to continually improve their programme and personalising the support they offer. However, the best thing is the community they foster amongst people from different institutions and disciplines. Even though we only meet a few times each year, the connections I have made through IAPETUS2 have been very important to my PhD journey and will hopefully last beyond it.”
“Being able to meet up with the cohort for the training weeks- getting to learn about such a variety of projects and feel supported by each other.”
“I love how IAPETUS gives you the chance to follow the threads of your research and innovate on the research frontier, helping expand intellectual horizons and build a strong foundation for future academic or professional pursuits.”
“Diverse and interdisciplinary cohort. I love that we’ve been brought together by our shared passion for Earth Sciences, but all work on such a variety of projects. It’s great to know that at any time, I have a diverse group of people to swap ideas with and collaborate on shared problems. I believe successful research capitalises on the wealth of new ideas, applications and techniques that may ordinarily sit outside of your research field. Being a part of IAPETUS2 means I am that much more connected to these different ideas and can innovate in my own project more effectively.”
“Being an International student, the DTP offers great research opportunity, access to quality training, networking, and platform to share research with renown researchers which would otherwise be impossible.”
“The opportunity to be a part of a cohort that is so multidisciplinary. It provides the opportunity to gain different perspectives and skills from other cohort members.”
“Funding to complete my studies, diversity in fellow students and supervisors from several institutions, and unique training opportunities.”
“Numerous advantages, such as the opportunity to connect with researchers in your field, access to diverse and comprehensive training sessions like Python and data analytics, and participation in excellent annual student conferences. Additionally, the RTSG offered by IAPETUS enhances your academic journey by funding research activities, conference travel, and field trips, further enriching your PhD experience.”
“The training programs offered by DTP are the best add-ons to me. When collaborating with peers from other universities, each interaction expands my horizons and challenges me to become the best version of myself.”
“Having an extended community of other PhD students.”
“Meeting with people from a very eclectic mix of disciplines. The conferences really make you have to think about how to present your work to a wide variety of audiences. For example, when explaining genetics, I have to be careful in my explanation as many haven’t taken biology since secondary school or earlier. Having said that, the shared experience of a PhD program transcends disciplines and it’s interesting to see other disciplines perspectives on the process!”
“Meeting up with peers and having a great time during IAPETUS training events.”
“The best thing about being an IAPETUS2 DTP student is the diverse and supportive cohort that I get to be a part of.”
“The community and support from other PhD students also in IAPETUS. The training events like the outreach training are also invaluable to further develop our skills beyond the training our host universities offer us.”
“The wide variety of training opportunities that we have access towards and the general support from other members of the DTP.”
“Having support with my degree beyond the confines of just the host institution is really positive. I therefore have a wider network to reach out to and collaborate with. Iapetus2 have also introduced me to training, topics and events not available at my host university. I also want to add that the staff Jen and Phil are amazing and really supportive. Iapetus2 is really inclusive and supportive for neurodivergent students too and I have taken part I things I would not have had the ability or courage to do before. I’m really proud to be part of Iapetus2.”
“The community of other students. Doing a PhD is very challenging for everyone, and that is why the community of other students going through the same thing at the same time as you is so valuable. It could be students a year or two above who pass down their knowledge and experiences or people within your own cohort that share their insight. IAPETUS2 has built a community of students who want to and do help each other enormously and massively enrich the PhD experience.”
“The sense of community from being in a cohort with other students. PhDs can be isolating so I’m grateful to be able to meet other students from different disciplines.”
“I have opportunities to network with like-minded researchers through a series of well-coordinated activities and events, which also serve as platforms to acquire relevant skills.”
“Having opportunities to connect with other PhD students, sharing experiences, teambuilding and developing our skills together.”
“Iapetus Studentships provide great opportunities to take part in additional training, be part of a PhD student community outside of your university and discipline, and the RTSG and opportunities for placements allows you to make the most of your research and widen your career prospects and experience. It’s a great DTP and I’m very happy to be a part of it!”
“Getting regular opportunities to communicate our research in a formal and informal manner with equally enthusiastic colleagues.”
“Being part of a cohort of people from across different universities who are passionate about the environment and getting to make genuine connections with everyone and find out about their research!”
“The IAPETUS2 cohort community”
“The support I have gained through my IAPETUS cohort has proved an invaluable network throughout my PhD. I have additionally learnt skills from the training that I shall continue to use for the rest of my career.”
“Generous RTSG allows freedom to do bigger/more cutting edge research than PhD students on other schemes. Also, it’s really interesting to meet and share ideas with other students from different environmental disciplines.”
“Placement opportunities!”
“Meeting IAPETUS students from other universities and hearing about their projects and experiences as a PhD student.”
“It’s great to have the opportunity to do a placement during your PhD and it was interesting to be part of a DTP with such a wide range of topics to broaden the horizon and hear about lots of different environmental research”
“Having student status at multiple institutions.”
“Network of peoples”
“I love having access to loads of training workshops throughout the year. Also, I love having a supportive community of peers to receive advice from when I encounter problems in my project.”